Writing for Publication?

There's no thrill quite like holding the printed copy of your published work.  I've written for online publications before, but always found the print editions more exciting.  Until now.

Recently I was approached by a representative of KidsHealth.org, a website devoted to educating kids and parents about health and nutrition in fun ways.  Fun ways--like candy experiments.

After a freelance writer for KidsHealth mentioned candy experiments in an article about Halloween candy, I was asked if I would be willing to let KidsHealth.org use some of my candy experiments.  Since I had researched and enjoyed KidsHealth previously (they have this great candy-eating pumpkin game), I was definitely interested.

Soon, candy experiments will join the other experiments, games, and activities on KidsHealth.org.  Which teaches health and nutrition to 140 million visitors a year.

Now that's exciting.

1 comment:

  1. We received your Christmas card today. Thank you. I'm finishing our letter this evening hopefully. I'm so excited to hear that you have an agent!! Awesome! And the candy experiment thing looks really fun. I'll read through it and see if I have any other suggestions. My first thought was marshmellows and peeps. Both polymerized corn syrup with wiggin' physical properties--I'm sure there would be some fun to be had with them. It made me happy to hear from you. Now that I realize you are blogging I'll have to check in more often.

    Merry Christmas!

    -Alan V.
